Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New year update...

So...I've been a bit out of touch the past few days....and while I know it's no crime to be a sporadic blogger, I have been much more regular of late...thanks to my dear hubby and his Christmas gift to me...

Yes, it's true...my very own laptop! Prior to this I would have to isolate myself down the hall in the office to work on the computer, leaving aforementioned dear hubby in the living room all by himself. I didn't spend much time in there, and thus didn't get a lot accomplished in blog-dom.

So, thanks Sweetie...I owe you big time...and I really love sharing the same space in the house with you!

1 comment:

Abbie said...

I think some apologies are in order to your dear little Emmi for taking up HER lap space with this new piece of machinery...hmm??