Wednesday, May 17, 2006

It's genetics...

Like Gramma like granddaughter...sigh...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

A different sort of Mother's Day...

It's going to be a bit different this year. There is something new. My oldest "baby" is a momma this year, and it gives a whole new element of meaning to Mother's Day. What joy it brings to watch her grow into her new role in life, to observe her deep love for her daughter, to simply enjoy the fact that she is a mom. And as a mom myself, it has brought such amazing joy to be in new roles. Initially there was the overwhelmingly wonderful (and traumatic) experience of having a part in helping Abbie bring this new little life into the world. Living that moment with her is something that will always be treasured in the deepest parts of my heart. And to be privileged to occasionally get to play the role of "mentor mom" as I help Abbie figure out this new and challenging responsibility. And, of course, it goes without saying that I also get the icing on the cake...that of being the gramma. Who would have thought that this much love would have been left to give after I "gave it all" to my girls. Ah just keeps getting better, this "mom" thing...

Today I bought a small potted flowering plant. It was only 99 cents, but pretty adorable. Earlier this evening I tended to my little magenta treasure, adding water and pulling some sparkling foil up around the pot. Some white organza ribbon tied in a bow completed my little arrangement. I picked up the little beauty, and Eric and I took a walk. Our destination was a nearby cemetery. There, under the spreading Spring branches of a big tree, was my momma. I brushed the stray fir needles off the stone, and carefully placed the gift into the little plant reservoir. I stood back and admired the sight for a minute, then we turned and began the trek back home, hand-in-hand. Before we got out of sight, however, I had to turn for one last look. The foil sparkled in the sunlight. I knew Mom would love it.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom...I miss you...and I love you.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A weekend of good-byes...

What a weekend.

Most of this two-day "rest" from work has been spent moving my last little "chick" from my nest into her very own first apartment. Her little place is charming; it is a little 1-bedroom in what is touted to be the oldest apartment building in our little town (but recently completely renovated, much to this momma's approval). Amid all the work of loading and unloading, it has been so fun to watch her joy as she has been settling in. I think I see a new level of maturity that comes with responsible "ownership." And...I feel secure. Her building is very safe, with many security features in place. So...sigh...I suppose I must release my grip - once again - and trust that Christ has her life well in hand.

I must admit, I have a whole new appreciation for all the thousands of times my papa has helped me and my family move from one place to another (in case I haven't said it enough, Dad, thank you). Of course, along with that appreciation comes the harsh reality that this likely won't be the last time I will help one of my kids move. I signed on for the full deal when I had children. So...we'll just keep the Icy Hot linament close by...

Now I have said goodbye to my baby, at least from under my roof. Then...just a little bit ago, I got the phone call I had been expecting for a couple of weeks. My sister in Christ, Audrey, finally went to see Jesus in person earlier this evening. I have tried to assimilate that into my thinking, but it just won't quite fall into place. I do know that Audrey is overjoyed and that she is experiencing a kind of love now that would never be possible here in this world. does leave the rest of us behind, awaiting our turn to join her there.

I'm so glad I saw Audrey recently. I'm so glad I told her the things I did. I'm so glad she was (is) my friend and sister...

Goodbye, Audrey, for now...I know you are in good hands.

Goodbye, Bethie...I know you are in the very best of hands too...

Monday, May 01, 2006


My friend Audrey is very sick. She found out 6 years ago that she has bone cancer. Since then there have been ups and downs, medically speaking. There has been fear, pain, and all the other emotions that go along with cancer...but all along the way Audrey continued to cultivate her relationship with Jesus. Even within the last couple of years, she has faithfully followed God's nudges on her life, sharing her spiritual insight and wisdom with young couples in a Bible study group she started to minister to that age group.

For many years prior to her diagnosis, Audrey was the Director of Food Services at the Christian conference center where I worked. Her office was right down the hall from mine, and we experienced many deep moments there, sharing together about many things. We talked about work, home, Christ, and many of our individual life happenings. She was there for me when I was in the darkest valley of my life. She always loved me...and she always prayed about what mattered to me, covering the situation in a warm blanket of Christ's safety. Eventually, we talked about her illness together. She was very brave...and she trusted God - deeply.

I have moved away from that area of the state, and I'm not in contact with Audrey as much as I used to be. Occasional emails keep us connected in the physical world, but at a deeper level we always have the connection of our shared experiences.

I recently learned that Audrey's cancer has apparently reached the end stage. Her mother and sisters have arrived from another state to walk this final journey with her. A week ago, I drove to her home at the coast to visit with her; to say goodbye to my sister in Christ. It's not often in this life that we have the opportunity to look a friend in the eyes and tell her/him goodbye through your words of love and appreciation. I told Audrey that my life was better because I knew her. I told Audrey that her prayers contributed to my daughter's safe return from a very destructive path in high school. I told her that my daughters love her. I hugged her, kissed her cheek, and told her I loved her. In spite of her painful condition with bone cancer, she stood up to hug me.

This will no doubt be at the top of my list of beautiful blossoms along my life journey. Audrey loves Jesus...and He is waiting for her to join Him where He is...He wants to show her what He has prepared for her. And, as I told Audrey, I'm sure she will hear Him tenderly say to her, "Well done, child...well done."