Sunday, December 30, 2007

Change, change, change!

I admit I may be a bit quirky. There is a part of me that is extremely traditional and doesn't adjust well to change. However, there is this other part that is absolutely unable to deal with the "sameness" that life can become. This trait rears its ugly head in the more critical areas of life...such as which toothpaste I should purchase when the old one runs out. Now, if you ask my husband he will likely tell you that he has used the same toothpaste for the last 30 years. I mean, why change if you find something you like? This view does not work for me. I must have change, something new and different...maybe even refreshingly so. Toothpaste and shampoo are only two examples of how this desire impacts my day-to-day life. However, I should add here that there are some things that must NOT be changed. Shortening, for has to be Crisco...the other brands just don't work the same ( you think Crisco will read this and send me a free can???).

So...after all of this inane drivvel...perhaps you will gain a better understanding as to why I have opted to change my blog format after all these months. I really loved the old format; it was me. I'm even a bit sad to see it go. But...change is necessary here, and I feel somehow renewed by this bold move. Please share my joy.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Now I feel bad...

OK...just so you don't think Christmas was a total loss or anything (like my previous post may have led you to believe), let me assure you that there were many beautiful moments...(I can't believe we forgot our cameras when we had Christmas with Eric's kids...sheesh...)

On to 2008...

I don't know what's wrong me. I mean, I'm not sure I'm like everyone else. Just as SOON as Christmas is over, I have this deep inner need to have it GONE...all gone...all put reminders.

Now, don't get me wrong...I really enjoy the Christmas season. I do tend to get a bit more stressed than I should, I admit...but still I enjoy it. This year, however, I just couldn't get in the swing of things. It wasn't until the week before Christmas that we finally got our Christmas tree and got out the Christmas decorations (which were much less than in past years). So...if you can see where this is I took it all down. Good grief, it was only up for a week; you'd think I could stand to have it around for awhile. But has to go...all of Actually, the very day after Christmas I had my red nail polish off, replaced by a nice neutral tone.

So I'm feeling a bit better now. My sweet hubby got me a laptop for Christmas, so I'm sitting here in my recliner in the living room writing this, watching a Bowl game, and NOT looking at a nativity scene or little elves staring back at me. Life is good...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

And God smiled...

So did anyone else in this part of the world notice? Yesterday was Christmas (no, that's not what I was referring to), and when I stumbled out of bed fairly early in the morning, this is what greeted my eyes as I peered out my window...and somehow, deep in my spirit, I knew God was joyfully announcing to the world that this day was his Son's birthday. Thank you, God...I was blessed...