Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I've been tagged by Kathy (she seems to think I have been blog-silent too long) so here are 8 random things about me but first...1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts. 2. Each player starts with eight random facts/stories about themselves. 3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. 4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

OK...here goes...

1) I used to live in a real, live (or dead) desert. It's true...my Daddy was the pastor of a very small Friends church in Holtville, California. It's down by the Mexico border in the Imperial Valley. I was in preschool at the time, but I remember how hot it was...and I remember finding a dead rattlesnake in the dirt road next to our house one day.

2) My older sister fed me mud one time. Back in the day...when we were living in the afore-mentioned desert...my Momma used to buy boxes of ice cream bars and popcicles so we wouldn't perish from the heat. Back behind our little parsonage, one day my sister found a discarded box that ice cream "Drumsticks" had come in. There was the bottom portion of the cone plus a few scattered chopped nuts in the bottom of the box. I'm sure she thought she was extremely clever when she filled the cone tip with mud and sprinkled the remainder of the nuts on top and then proceeded to pretend to take a big bite. "Try it...it's REALLY good..." were the words that led to my demise.

3) Regarding spiders and snakes...I absolutely detest spiders. I mean, they are one thing that can make me jump around shrieking and acting really girly. However, snakes are another story. I don't mind them at all...and I owe it all to my Uncle Glen, who used to work at OMSI and actually was the guy who created many of the cool "push the button" exhibits back in the day. Anyway, as a little kid I can remember going to work with him and carrying a snake around. Uncle Glen was also my cool uncle who had a huge snake living in his house...

4) When I was in college the choir I was a part of went on a tour in Europe. Now, that would be a cool enough fact in itself...we traveled to England, France, Germany...all in 16 days...but there is a specific story that stands out as a "unique" fact about me. One day, while sightseeing in London, I was suddenly taken ill. I'm talking VERY ill...so ill that I couldn't keep walking. I found a couple of steps outside of a shop and sat down in an attempt to compose myself enough to do something constructive about my dilemma. Next thing I knew, a "Bobbie" (London cop) came sauntering over to me and in his best British accent asked me, "are you drunk???" Come to find out, I was sitting on the steps leading up to a pub. Now...I could continue the story and tell you about how I finally went into the pub and inquired as to where the bathroom was...and how I went up a flight of steps and found a bathroom...but the story is so incredibly disgusting I will end my tale here.

5) Many people who know me now probably don't know that I graduated from college with a degree in Music Education. Have I ever taught music professionally? No...but the college degree does look incredibly impressive on my resume'.

6) I am absolutely fanatical about garage sales and thrift shops. When the spring/summer seasons arrive, I delight myself in busy Saturday mornings driving all over town in an attempt to find the perfect "treasure." It's not like I need anything else in my humble abode (ask my hubby; he'll tell you), but I have found some pretty amazing things over the years.

7) My latest adventure is my attempt to add a bit of additional income to our household. I am an official Avon representative. Um...I must be careful that my "additional income" doesn't get eaten up in Avon products...sigh...(by the way, let me know if you want to see a book!).

8) I LOVE to color. Yes, you heard me right. And...I must proudly admit that I have raised two beautiful, wonderful daughters who also share my love. We find those "grown-up" coloring books at stores; you know, the ones with intricate geometric designs or pictures. I believe at times it is a form of therapy...just relax and let the colorful creative juices flow...

OK...that's it. End of story. Watch out...I just might tag YOU...

1 comment:

kathy said...

I remember going to OMSI once when I was little (back when it was in the building by the Zoo) and gathering all of the guts I could muster to touch an ENORMOUS Boa Constrictor with one finger before totally coming undone. I think that might be the only time I “willingly” touched a snake. Your uncle Glen is really cool. :)

What's the best thing you've ever found at a garage sale?