Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Profound thoughts at 7:00 a.m.

OK...so...I can't sleep...once again...

It seems like I've been awake for a very long time, so rather than lay there and ruminate over things that will seem much less important later in the day, I decide to get up and rummage through blog-land to catch up on some posts.

I have read much this morning...about joy, about questioning, about grief, and about more grief. I am left with some thoughts that have been tumbling around in my very little brain for some time now, but that have not been spoken. Very simply (because that's all I can muster right now)...

I love this world. I love the beauty, the friendships, my family, nature...most of the time, I really love being here. And God created all of this goodness for our pleasure, for which I am eternally thankful. But...

Another part of this world is just a crummy place sometimes. Believing in Christ and in his infinite goodness and love for us doesn't set us apart from experiencing it. Very wonderful Christians experience very deep pain. I have read this morning about friends experiencing incredible grief, deep fear, confusion. A friend with cancer, a friend losing a baby, a friend doing the hard work of deciding for faith instead of tossing it all in. That's where we are; that's this world. Jesus knows all of that. He knows what an imperfect place this is. He never said we would be immune from it. Sometimes things go the way we want, sometimes not. This would challenge the best theologian to question, to wonder, to try again to believe.

This world is infused with Satan and his plans. They are not good plans, and will end in destruction of everything and everyone here. Cheery thought, eh?

BUT...the rest of the truth is that as Christians our place here is only temporary. As wonderful as this life can be at times, there is something better ahead.

Jesus came to this world as a baby, ultimately, to rescue us! To give us a way out; to take us away to a place of perfection and limitless joy. Because He loves us.

The rest of the story? As an adult, Jesus allowed himself to be killed to "pay the price" for our imperfections, to "rescue" us from this happy/scary/miserable place. He has offered us a better place if we believe in Him and hang on...even through the hard times. He will take us away from here and won't allow us to be destroyed in Satan's final schemes.

There really is a place called Heaven, and we really can go there. Too good to be true? Almost...and even as I write these words I struggle with my doubt-nature.

Jesus loves us...ALL of us. He loves Mother Teresa, President Bush, Osama Bin Laden, Billy Graham...and US. And we all have the chance to be rescued if we believe in Him and His plan.

There is a much better way to say all of this theologically, but, as I stated earlier my brain just isn't up to it (plus I have to get ready for work). But...as I have written this the words to a very old (from my youth) song keep rumbling around...

This world is not my home, I'm just passing through
My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue
The angels beckon me from Heaven's open door
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.

O Lord you know I have no friend like you
If Heaven's not my home, then Lord what will I do?
The angels beckon me from Heaven's open door
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.

1 comment:

kathy said...

This is beautiful.