Monday, March 27, 2006

Where have I been? maybe I'm not the most consistent blogger. I fear I have been waiting for some great "illumination" that will spur me on to profundity. But alas, my life is quite "daily." I mustn't look so hard for the profound that I miss out on the random kisses from God in my life.

Such as...

A week ago I had the extreme joy of having my 9-month-old granddaughter at my house for a sleep-over. As this is my first grandchild, I have been reveling in the sheer joy of her existence. is simply icing on the cake that she loves her Gramma. The tender moments of holding her close, rocking her gently until she drifted off to sleep, touched a depth in my heart that I had long ago lost.

On Sunday morning we actually got her...and us...ready in time for the early service at our church. In we marched to the nursery, only to find that nursery care isn't provided for that service. Gulp. With her being in a very animated, active portion of her babyhood, it was with a bit of trepidation that we made the decision to see how she would do in the church service. As we walked into the huge, old sanctuary, she became wide-eyed, soaking in every corner of the room. It was almost as if she could sense God's spirit touching hers. She was unusually calm, and interested in what was happening around her. Fortunately, her tummy was full of rice cereal and fruit...which left her rather lethargically satisfied. Even more fortunately, the first half of the service was almost entirely music. So there we sat, she taking in each note of the music, and I rocking her rhythmically back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

Then something truly heavenly happened. During the last song, "Amazing Grace," I held her close and pressed her little cheek against mine...all the time rocking, rocking, rocking...and there she fell asleep. There could not be a more precious moment for a grandma than that. She continued to sleep through the rest of the service...much to the delight and adoration of those around her. So precious...

I might add, however, that Grandpa Eric was less than thrilled with this outcome. "Why," he queried, "does everyone think it is so cute when she sleeps during the sermon, when it's such an abomination when I miss a few words? It's just not fair..."

Get over it, Grandpa...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Livie loves her Grammy so so dearly. She seems to sense a true peace about you. She definitely knows that one of the most loving and safest places in the world is right in her Grammys arms. What a true blessing that is! :)