Thursday, March 13, 2008

No...this is NOT any kind of a mid-life ANYTHING... it's almost midnight. I'm sitting here in my chair crocheting an afghan (like any respectable 50-something girl would be doing), flipping channels...and BAM...there he concert...right there on my TV screen...Sir Paul. I'm fixated to the screen, somewhat dancing in my recliner/rocker...even singing along at some points. he's singing "Hey Jude" still my heart...

You must remember that I'm a youth of the 70's...the decade of the BEST music, in my humble opinion. They just don't make it like that anymore. But these boys from Britain were just something else, set apart from the rest, intriguing, captivating.

In my mind I'm getting up off my chair...I'm packing my suitcase with just a few essential items (not my usual "take everything I could ever possibly need in the next 20 years" style of packing). I'm going to travel with them. Get on their bus and go wherever they go. Be there for every concert. They NEED me...

"Na-na-na-na nanananaaaaa.....nanananaaaaa....hey Jude....."

Eric will understand. I'll just be gone for a few short years. I mean, McCartney's older than I am, so how many more good concert years can he have left?

Hold down the fort, Honey...I'll be back...


Abbie said...

Just don't go throwing your bra on stage or anything weird like that EMBARASSING!!

Gregg Koskela said...

I really should never read anything Abbie writes... :)

Just kidding! She makes me laugh regularly and often. And like I said in person, I don't think it's at all fair to claim the Beatles are 70's music. Cheater!

Mike said...

I think what you originally said is OK, Denise.

The Beatles were played A LOT on the radio during the 1970's! (And on records and 8-track tapes)

kathy said...

While I love Gregg and totally respect his opinion, I have to agree with Mike, the Beetles' music lived on long after their break up, thereby influencing young people well into the 70's. And, if you go, can I go too? I've never been a groupie and this might be my only opportunity. :)