Saturday, May 13, 2006

A different sort of Mother's Day...

It's going to be a bit different this year. There is something new. My oldest "baby" is a momma this year, and it gives a whole new element of meaning to Mother's Day. What joy it brings to watch her grow into her new role in life, to observe her deep love for her daughter, to simply enjoy the fact that she is a mom. And as a mom myself, it has brought such amazing joy to be in new roles. Initially there was the overwhelmingly wonderful (and traumatic) experience of having a part in helping Abbie bring this new little life into the world. Living that moment with her is something that will always be treasured in the deepest parts of my heart. And to be privileged to occasionally get to play the role of "mentor mom" as I help Abbie figure out this new and challenging responsibility. And, of course, it goes without saying that I also get the icing on the cake...that of being the gramma. Who would have thought that this much love would have been left to give after I "gave it all" to my girls. Ah just keeps getting better, this "mom" thing...

Today I bought a small potted flowering plant. It was only 99 cents, but pretty adorable. Earlier this evening I tended to my little magenta treasure, adding water and pulling some sparkling foil up around the pot. Some white organza ribbon tied in a bow completed my little arrangement. I picked up the little beauty, and Eric and I took a walk. Our destination was a nearby cemetery. There, under the spreading Spring branches of a big tree, was my momma. I brushed the stray fir needles off the stone, and carefully placed the gift into the little plant reservoir. I stood back and admired the sight for a minute, then we turned and began the trek back home, hand-in-hand. Before we got out of sight, however, I had to turn for one last look. The foil sparkled in the sunlight. I knew Mom would love it.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom...I miss you...and I love you.

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